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What if you knew for certain that 2020 was going to ROCK THE HOUSE!     

What if you knew exactly how you were going to  Meet and Exceed 

your goals before the Spring bulbs were fully out of the ground? 

Design a plan to make 2020 your best year yet!

I bet you don’t wait until the first day of your vacation to plan that vacation.  So why do you wait until the new year to set your goals and create a plan for that new year?

What if, instead of waiting until you turn the page on a new calendar, you began earlier.  What if you got a handle on your 2020 plan BEFORE the craziness of the holidays?  How does that sound?  Imagine how it would it feel to have a firm handle on what you were going to focus on before you toasted in the new year? 


If you don’t create a plan, you'll simply keep doing what you've always done.  I know this because that is what most of us do. You live your life by default and just keep on keepin' on.


Living "as usual" is great IF what you're doing right now is working.  If your current actions make your heart sing, put plenty of money in your bank account, result in a healthy body and mind, and foster healthy, vibrant relationships.  Doing what you've been doing is great if you're getting all of the results you truly want. 

Is what you're doing right now working?  If not, and you're missing the mark in any of these areas, then you're going to have to tweak some things.  Is it possible some of your thoughts and behaviors need to be improved, reshaped, or eliminated from your life?  Do you need to add new thoughts or behaviors?

This is where developing a plan . . . a plan you love that feels doable and exciting . . .  is a must!!!

What if you stopped

wishing for things to be different and you made a plan, a real, honest-to-goodness plan, to make some changes?


What if you took time to Design a Life

that makes you

Leap for Joy?

But change is challenging.  I could ramble on about this but I know you already know this.  I don't have to justify my statement.  I know you already know this because you’ve tried to change in the past with limited or lukewarm results. I know this because you're human and we humans collectively struggle with change. All of us try to change and very few of us are successful.  (I'm not trying to get you down, I just want you to know when this happens to you, you're in good company.) 


But here's the good news.  You can make real change.  People successfully shift things in their life all the time.  I've been studying this phenomenon for a long time and here's what I've come to believe.  


Real, lasting change requires these 4 things . . .

  1. A Crystal-Clear Vision

  2. Heart and Head Alignment 

  3. Kick-"But" Systems 

  4. Connection and Community 


Without any one of these, then you stay put.  You go back to the status quo if you even get started in the first place.

"WHY DO I NEED TO THINK ABOUT 2020?  I have some New Years Resolutions and so far, so good.  


Because resolutions fade.  They do.  

In our culture, we collectively get kinda crazy, making sweeping declarations and resolutions at the turn of the year.  We make a big deal about this.  Sadly, only 8% of those who even dare to set goals and commit to changing at the beginning of the new year ever succeed.  Only 8%!  And 25% throw in the towel in the first week! 

YIKES!  This sucks big time!  It sucks because it SUCKS the energy and enthusiasm out of all of us.  Endlessly wanting things to be different and NEVER experiencing any success is sucking us dry! 


So why don't we change at the new year?  I think it’s because we’re all exhausted from the "hecticness" of the holidays and we're running on empty.  We're plumb tuckered-out!  Plus, it's winter, we're likely broke or money is tight, we've put on a few pounds from one too many parties and frankly we're a bit grumpy.  (Okay . . . maybe I’m talking about me.)

That's why I'm encouraging you to look at your goals at a different time than at the beginning of the year.  I want you to lay out a plan, a solid, doable plan, that makes you jump for joy REGARDLESS of what time of the year it is.  


When I have an inspiring plan my success rate is unbelievable.  When I create a plan when I'm fresh, energized and enthusiastic prior to when I need to implement that plan, I almost always succeed.  I believe the same will happen for you!

Make your future a priority!

On March 21st, I'm leading an all-day, in-person workshop just outside Chattanooga, TN for anyone who wants a crystal clear, 20/20 vision for the year 2020.

Bullet Journal

You will walk away with a plan for 2020 that inspires you,

cranks your cranker, is doable, and directly reflects your ideal life!  

Let that sink in!!!!

So, who should come to this workshop?  I've specifically designed it for  . . .

  • Professionals and Solopreneurs who are ready to meet the new year HEAD ON!

  • Empty Nesters who are wondering “What’s next?”

  • The Recently Retired who have always said “When I retire I’ll , , ,” and that time is now!

  • Creatives with art/words/music inside that’s itching to come out!

  • Folks with a Side Hustle who want it to really take flight in 2020!

  • People who want to get their health in tip-top shape.

  • Those who crave balance and are ready to do something about it.    

  • Anyone who wants a crystal-clear vision for 2020 and is willing to do what it takes. 

 "Cheri, how can you create a workshop for such a diverse group of people?"

Because creating a plan is the same for all of us.  Really it is!  No matter what someone is building or trying to change we still need the same things: a clear vision, internal and external alignment, effective systems and a community for accountability!  Therefore, all kinds of people can come together, sharing the same space, learning about and setting goals and each will leave with a clear picture of 2020.  Each will know what they are to do in 2020!

What's the Cost?  

The fee is only $247 ($197.60 if you snag the early-bird) and includes breakfast/snacks and lunch.  (You can read more below about why the cost is what it is).  

But I ask you, "What would it mean to you and your life's bottom line to actually DO THE THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN ON YOUR TO-DO LIST FOR YEARS?" (yes, I wrote that in all caps because I'm kinda passionate about this question!)

How would your life be different if you did those things?  Give that a think!  

So, the money is really only a small price to pay really.  I promise you the investment of a few dollars and a few hours will pay you back hundreds of times over.  I promise!


But you can pay less if you want to.  If you sign up before February 9th you can save 20%!  There are also discounts available if you sign up your "whole posse" to come together!   I HIGHLY recommend that you bring your peeps.  Those who have support and have a tribe that will support them are FAR more likely to make real and lasting change!

Invite Your Tribe!


Lasting change happens when we have the 



of those who

know and love us.

What will you get?

  • You'll get a manual with handouts and fill-in-the-blank templates for designing your best 2020!  Plus, you can use them year after year!!!

  • Access to my years (and I mean years) of studying the best practices for setting and following through with goals and objectives,

  • Time with others who are ready to have a perfect 20/20 vision for 2020.

  • A supportive, stress-free environment to sit and dream and ponder and push yourself to uncover or discover what you really want.  You will be lovingly encouraged to go for it!

  • Both a serious and playful atmosphere to do the important work of focusing on what is important to you--something many of us never really get. 




Some Questions You May Be Asking. . .


Why is this on a weekday instead of a weekend?   (Doesn't Apply to the Chattanooga Workshop . . . I'm working on a weekend.  


Well, I think that taking time to plan your life is one of the most important things you can do.  Just as important as what's going on at your work place, seeing clients or meeting obligations for others. Plus, we tend to show up more fully present and serious Monday through Friday.  

Put another way . . . to work on your car you have to stop driving it, right? You can't change the oil, rotate the tires or check the engine while it's running.  You have to stop the car to keep it running smoothly.  How is it any different for your life? 


So yes, this is on a weekday and I encourage you to take the day away from your usual schedule.  Make yourself a priority, call in “well” or better yet, get your employer (even if that’s you 😊) to support this important time to STOP and MAKE A PLAN!  Heck, invite your boss and co-workers!!!


Why is the cost so low?  Is it going to be worth my time?


I've set the price so that it's affordable for all kind of folks.  Yes, professional development seminars are often priced a lot higher and, believe me, I thought about increasing the fee.  But I want this to be accessible to everyone! 

But don't be fooled by the price.  This is a professional workshop.  Sure, we're going to have fun because that's how we learn best, but we'll be doing serious work all the same!!! 


Why is this workshop so expensive? 

Well, in truth its actually pretty low compared to workshops of this kind.  But I get that we all have different budgets.  If the price is too steep, you can come at a reduced rate if you register early or bring a few others with you.  Give me a call and we can discuss it. 

But I ask you .  .  . what is having a crystal clear plan AND the tools to implement that plan worth to you?  How will your life be different when you have these in place? 

Why can’t you do this on-line.  I don’t want to travel.


I personally LOVE in-person work.  And since I’m designing MY ideal life I’m itching to be in a room with wonderful people and watching the synergy that happens.  Nothing against on-line forums (and I may do them in future) but this one is in-person.

I don’t live in Knoxville.  How can I participate? 


By prioritizing your life and getting in your car!  No buts . . . just do it!  


What will I need to bring? 


Your lovely self, a willingness to dig deep and a commitment to participate fully, whatever that means for you.  I would also like you to bring the paper calendar system you use.  If you don't use a paper system I recommend Passion Planner and can send you a link in time for you to get one before the workshop begins. 

I’m not a woman but I want to have a crystal-clear vision for 2020 too!


Because I primarily address women in my writing and coaching, you may think men are excluded.  This isn't true at all.  If you're drawn to what I'm doing and your a man . . . come on and join in.  I love men and always welcome you to anything I do

You Deserve a                Vision for 2020!


There is nothing, and I mean nothing, as satisfying as knowing you have a plan to do the things that need to be done.  A plan for a balanced life that includes all of your obligations AND the things that make your heart sing!

Please make time to design your 20/20 vision for 2020. You're SO worth it!



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